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· 3 min read
Lark Birdy

The Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal is here. Engage, earn, and become part of the future of decentralized AI.

What is the Airdrop Portal?

The Airdrop Portal is designed to reward you for your engagement and support. Every interaction you make with the portal helps grow the Cuckoo Network, while you earn valuable $CAI tokens.

Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal

How to Earn Rewards with Airdrop

Earning rewards with the Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal is straightforward. Here’s how:

ActionRewards in $CAIDescription
Login1 ~ 10First-time sign up or sign in
Refer30% of referee's rewardsEarn a percentage of your referee's rewards
Add Email10Receive latest news and benefits
Daily Claim0 ~ 5 DailyStay updated on the mission of onchain AI
Follow X5Follow us on X to stay connected
Bind Discord5Join and link your Discord account
Bind Telegram5Join and link your Telegram account
Create 1st Image10Showcase your creativity with your first image
Stake $CAI20Strengthen the network by staking $CAI
1st-Time Mine with GPU300Dive into GPU mining for substantial rewards

Why Participate?

Participating in the Airdrop Portal is a chance to be at the forefront of decentralized AI. Your engagement supports the network’s mission and growth, while you benefit directly from the tokens you earn.

More specifically, if you refer friends into cuckoo network, you will get 30% of their airdrops from the portal.

More about $CAI

  1. Stake to establish trust in the onchain AI network
  2. Generate and share value in GPU mining
  3. Reward contributors (builders, partners, and users)
  4. Facilitate governance
  5. Payment for onchain AI DApps

Get Started

Visit Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal to start earning your rewards today. Engage with the community, support the network, and reap the benefits of $CAI tokens. The future of decentralized AI starts with you.

Join us on this journey and your participation makes a difference! Use our account's referral link to sign up

· 3 min read
Lark Birdy

Starting from July 2024, Cuckoo Network is rolling out an exciting opportunity for GPU miners: a daily reward of 300 $CAI per GPU. If you've been exploring ways to leverage your GPU for cryptocurrency mining, now's your chance to dive into the Cuckoo ecosystem and maximize your earnings. Let's break down everything you need to know to get started and stay ahead in the mining game.

What is Cuckoo Network?

Cuckoo Network is a cutting-edge blockchain platform designed to facilitate efficient and decentralized AI computation. By harnessing the power of GPU mining, Cuckoo Network aims to distribute computational tasks across a global network of nodes, ensuring both scalability and security.

Why GPU Mining?

GPU mining leverages the parallel processing power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to solve complex mathematical problems, which is integral to blockchain verification processes. Compared to traditional CPU mining, GPU mining offers higher efficiency and better returns, making it an attractive option for miners looking to optimize their setup. Specifically for Cuckoo Network, we mine for text-to-image and generative AI usage.

How to Get Started with Cuckoo Network Mining

Ready to start mining?

First things first, you'll need a compatible GPU. Cuckoo Network supports a range of GPUs, but for optimal performance and rewards, ensure your hardware meets the recommended specifications:

  • NVIDIA GTX NVIDIA 3080, L4, or above
  • Minimum 8GB VRAM
  • Reliable internet connection

Then, follow the documentation for miner software installation.

Monitoring and Maximizing Earnings

Mining isn’t just about setting it and forgetting it. To maximize your earnings, keep an eye on a few key factors:

  • Performance Metrics: Regularly check your GPU's performance to ensure it’s operating efficiently.
  • Network Updates: Stay informed about any changes to the Cuckoo Network’s reward structure or software updates.
  • Community Engagement: Join the Cuckoo Network community forums or Discord channels to exchange tips and stay updated on best practices.

Future Developments

The Cuckoo Network is still in active development, which means changes to the mining schedule and reward structure could occur. It’s essential to stay updated by regularly visiting the official documentation and participating in community discussions.


Q: What is $CAI?

A: $CAI is the native cryptocurrency of the Cuckoo Network, used for transactions and rewarding miners within the ecosystem.

Q: How much can I earn from GPU mining on Cuckoo Network?

A: Starting in July 2024, you can earn 300 $CAI per day per GPU. Actual earnings may vary based on network conditions and hardware performance.

Q: What are the system requirements for GPU mining on Cuckoo Network?

A: You’ll need a GPU with at least 8GB VRAM, such as an NVIDIA GTX NVIDIA 3080, L4, or above, and a stable internet connection.

Wrapping Up

The launch of GPU mining on the Cuckoo Network in July 2024 marks an exciting opportunity for miners to earn significant rewards while contributing to a decentralized AI computation network. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can get started quickly and efficiently. Happy mining!

· 4 min read
Lark Birdy

The demand for deploying large language models (LLMs) on mobile devices is rising, driven by the need for privacy, reduced latency, and efficient bandwidth usage. However, the extensive memory and computational requirements of LLMs pose significant challenges. Enter LinguaLinked, a new system, developed by a group of researchers from UC Irvine, designed to enable decentralized, distributed LLM inference across multiple mobile devices, leveraging their collective capabilities to perform complex tasks efficiently.

The Challenge

Deploying LLMs like GPT-3 or BLOOM on mobile devices is challenging due to:

  • Memory Constraints: LLMs require substantial memory, often exceeding the capacity of individual mobile devices.
  • Computational Limitations: Mobile devices typically have limited processing power, making it difficult to run large models.
  • Privacy Concerns: Sending data to centralized servers for processing raises privacy issues.

LinguaLinked's Solution

LinguaLinked addresses these challenges with three key strategies:

  1. Optimized Model Assignment:

    • The system segments LLMs into smaller subgraphs using linear optimization to match each segment with a device's capabilities.
    • This ensures efficient use of resources and minimizes inter-device data transmission.
  2. Runtime Load Balancing:

    • LinguaLinked actively monitors device performance and redistributes tasks to prevent bottlenecks.
    • This dynamic approach ensures efficient use of all available resources, enhancing overall system responsiveness.
  3. Optimized Communication:

    • Efficient data transmission maps guide the flow of information between devices, maintaining the model's structural integrity.
    • This method reduces latency and ensures timely data processing across the network of mobile devices.

A single large language model (LLM) is split into different parts (or segments) and distributed across multiple mobile devices. This approach allows each device to handle only a fraction of the total computation and storage requirements, making it feasible to run complex models even on devices with limited resources. Here's a breakdown of how this works:

Model Segmentation and Distribution

  1. Model Segmentation:
    • The large language model is transformed into a computational graph where each operation within the network is represented as a node.
    • This graph is then partitioned into smaller subgraphs, each capable of functioning independently.
  2. Optimized Model Assignment:
    • Using linear optimization, these subgraphs (or model segments) are assigned to different mobile devices.
    • The assignment considers each device's computational and memory capabilities, ensuring efficient resource use and minimizing data transmission overhead between devices.
  3. Collaborative Inference Execution:
    • Each mobile device processes its assigned segment of the model.
    • Devices communicate with each other to exchange intermediate results as needed, ensuring the overall inference task is completed correctly.
    • Optimized communication strategies are employed to maintain the integrity of the original model structure and ensure efficient data flow.

Example Scenario

Imagine a large language model like GPT-3 being split into several parts. One mobile device might handle the initial token embeddings and the first few layers of the model, while another device processes the middle layers, and a third device completes the final layers and generates the output. Throughout this process, devices share intermediate outputs to ensure the complete model inference is executed seamlessly.

Performance and Results

LinguaLinked's efficacy is demonstrated through extensive testing on various Android devices, both high-end and low-end. Key findings include:

  • Inference Speed: Compared to a baseline, LinguaLinked accelerates inference performance by 1.11× to 1.61× in single-threaded settings and 1.73× to 2.65× with multi-threading.
  • Load Balancing: The system's runtime load balancing further boosts performance, with an overall acceleration of 1.29× to 1.32×.
  • Scalability: Larger models benefit significantly from LinguaLinked's optimized model assignment, showcasing its scalability and effectiveness in handling complex tasks.

Use Cases and Applications

LinguaLinked is particularly suited for scenarios where privacy and efficiency are paramount. Applications include:

  • Text Generation and Summarization: Generating coherent and contextually relevant text locally on mobile devices.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Classifying text data efficiently without compromising user privacy.
  • Real-time Translation: Providing quick and accurate translations directly on the device.

Future Directions

LinguaLinked paves the way for further advancements in mobile AI:

  • Energy Efficiency: Future iterations will focus on optimizing energy consumption to prevent battery drain and overheating during intensive tasks.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Continued improvements in decentralized processing will ensure even greater data privacy.
  • Multi-modality Models: Expanding LinguaLinked to support multi-modality models for diverse real-world applications.


LinguaLinked represents a significant leap forward in deploying LLMs on mobile devices. By distributing the computational load and optimizing resource use, it makes advanced AI accessible and efficient on a wide range of devices. This innovation not only enhances performance but also ensures data privacy, setting the stage for more personalized and secure mobile AI applications.

· 4 min read
Lark Birdy

The rise of large language models (LLMs) and decentralized computing has introduced significant challenges, especially regarding the verification and integrity of AI computations across distributed systems. The 6079 Proof of Inference Protocol (PoIP) addresses these challenges by establishing a robust framework for decentralized AI inference, ensuring reliable and secure computations.

The Challenge: Security in Decentralized AI Inference

Decentralized AI inference faces the unique problem of ensuring the integrity and correctness of computations performed across a network of distributed nodes. Traditional methods of verification fall short due to the non-deterministic nature of many AI models. Without a robust protocol, it's challenging to guarantee that the distributed hardware returns accurate inference results.

Introducing Proof of Inference Protocol (PoIP)

6079 Proof of Inference Protocol (PoIP) provides a groundbreaking solution for securing decentralized AI inference. It uses a combination of cryptoeconomic security mechanisms, cryptographic proofs, and game-theoretic approaches to incentivize correct behavior and penalize malicious activity within the network.

Core Components of PoIP

Inference Engine Standard

The Inference Engine Standard sets the compute patterns and standards for executing AI inference tasks across decentralized networks. This standardization ensures consistent and reliable performance of AI models on distributed hardware.

Proof of Inference Protocol

The protocol operates across multiple layers:

  1. Service Layer: Executes model inference on physical hardware.
  2. Control Layer: Manages API endpoints, coordinates load balancing, and handles diagnostics.
  3. Transaction Layer: Uses a distributed hash table (DHT) to track transaction metadata.
  4. Probabilistic Proof Layer: Validates transactions through cryptographic and economic mechanisms.
  5. Economic Layer: Handles payment, staking, slashing, security, governance, and public funding.

Ensuring Integrity and Security

PoIP employs several mechanisms to ensure the integrity of AI inference computations:

  • Merkle Tree Validation: Ensures that input data reaches GPUs unaltered.
  • Distributed Hash Table (DHT): Synchronizes transaction data across nodes to detect discrepancies.
  • Diagnostic Tests: Evaluate hardware capabilities and ensure compliance with network standards.

Economic Incentives and Game Theory

The protocol uses economic incentives to encourage desirable behavior among nodes:

  • Staking: Nodes stake tokens to demonstrate commitment and increase their credibility.
  • Reputation Building: Successful tasks enhance a node's reputation, making it more attractive for future tasks.
  • Competitive Game Mechanisms: Nodes compete to provide the best service, ensuring continuous improvement and adherence to standards.


What is the Proof of Inference Protocol?

The Proof of Inference Protocol (PoIP) is a system designed to secure and verify AI inference computations across decentralized networks. It ensures that distributed hardware nodes return accurate and trustworthy results.

How does PoIP ensure the integrity of AI computations?

PoIP uses mechanisms like Merkle tree validation, distributed hash tables (DHT), and diagnostic tests to verify the integrity of AI computations. These tools help detect discrepancies and ensure the correctness of data processed across the network.

What role do economic incentives play in PoIP?

Economic incentives in PoIP encourage desirable behavior among nodes. Nodes stake tokens to demonstrate commitment, build reputation through successful tasks, and compete to provide the best service. This system ensures continuous improvement and adherence to network standards.

What are the main layers of the PoIP?

The PoIP operates across five main layers: Service Layer, Control Layer, Transaction Layer, Probabilistic Proof Layer, and Economic Layer. Each layer plays a crucial role in ensuring the security, integrity, and efficiency of AI inference on decentralized networks.


The 6079 Proof of Inference Protocol represents an interesting advancement in the field of decentralized AI. By ensuring the security and reliability of AI computations across distributed networks, PoIP indicates a new way for broader adoption and innovation in decentralized AI applications. As we move towards a more decentralized future, protocols like PoIP will be useful in maintaining trust and integrity in AI-powered systems.

· 2 min read
Lark Birdy

In Web3, the ability to transfer assets seamlessly across different blockchain networks is crucial. At Cuckoo.Network, we get it. We understand the pressing need for efficiency, security, and simplicity in these transactions. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our latest innovation: Cuckoo Bridge

Why Choose the Cuckoo Network Bridge?

  • Interoperability: Effortlessly move assets between Arbitrum One and Cuckoo Chain.
  • Cost-Effective: Enjoy minimal gas fees without compromising on speed or security.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for simplicity, making asset transfers straightforward and hassle-free.

Key Features

  1. Cross-Chain Compatibility: Transfer your assets from Arbitrum One to Cuckoo Chain with ease. Our bridge supports CAI tokens, ensuring you can manage your portfolio across different chains without any fuss.

  2. Minimal Fees: With gas fees as low as < 0.00001 ETH, our bridge ensures cost-effective transfers, making it accessible for all users.

  3. Secure Transactions: Built with top-notch security standards, the Cuckoo Network Bridge ensures your assets are safe throughout the transfer process.

How It Works

  1. Connect Your Wallet: Start by connecting your wallet to the Cuckoo Network Bridge. Ensure you have the necessary CAI tokens and ETH for gas fees.

  2. Select Chains: Choose Arbitrum One as your source and Cuckoo Chain as your destination. Enter the amount you wish to transfer.

  3. Confirm Transfer: Review the summary, including gas fees and the amount to be received. Click "Move funds to Cuckoo Chain" to initiate the transfer.

Experience the Future of Asset Transfers

The Cuckoo Network Bridge is here to improve your cross-chain experience in the Aribitrum ecosystem. With seamless interoperability, minimal fees, and robust security, managing your assets has never been easier. Embrace the future with Cuckoo.Network and streamline your asset transfers today.

Join Our Community

For more information, visit our website or join our vibrant community on Discord, Telegram, and X / Twitter. Let's bridge the gap in the Web3 + AI world together.

· 3 min read
Lark Birdy

The launch of Cuckoo Chain marks a pivotal moment for Cuckoo Network. This blog explores how the enhanced experiences for Holders, Miners, and DeAI builders have driven significant growth, positioning Cuckoo as a key player in the Web3 + AI ecosystem.

How Cuckoo AI Grows After the Cuckoo Chain Launch

1. Holder Experience

Token holders are the backbone of Cuckoo's ecosystem. With the launch of Cuckoo Chain, we prioritize enhancing their experience.

Airdrop Engagement

Airdrops serve as an entry point into our network. We've reserved 5% of our tokens for early adopters and active community members. This isn't just about free tokens—it's about rallying visionaries who share our mission to decentralize AI and challenge the dominance of centralized AI entities. These early supporters play a crucial role in advocating and innovating with us.

Staker Commitment

Stakers represent our committed community members. Staking in Cuckoo means securing the network and participating in governance. Stakers are integral to our mission, providing stability and support through their involvement in our GPU mining network.

DAO Participation

The DAO is where token holders can directly influence Cuckoo's future. By participating in our decentralized autonomous organization, members contribute to decision-making, ensuring the community's voice drives our project's direction.

2. Miner Experience

Cuckoo Network thrives on a two-sided marketplace model, which differentiates us from other heavy computing-resource-sharing networks. We focus on ease of use and miner income to attract and retain miners.

Ease of Use

Setting up and maintaining AI and ML infrastructure can be daunting. Cuckoo AI simplifies this process with user-friendly software and models, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience. Our goal is to minimize the time it takes for miners to start earning, ideally within minutes of downloading our software.

Miner Income

GPUs are valuable resources, and our network aims to maximize their performance. We ensure miners are rewarded with stablecoins at fair market prices, making mining with Cuckoo both profitable and reliable.

3. DeAI Experience

Competing in the generative AI industry, dominated by major players, requires leveraging our unique strengths. Cuckoo's decentralized approach offers several advantages.

Open Source Software Supply Chain

By embracing open-source principles, we foster innovation and collaboration, creating a robust and transparent software supply chain.

Strategic Insights

Being a last mover in the AI space allows us to learn from others' successes and mistakes. We can identify profitable strategies and implement them efficiently.


Our smaller, decentralized structure enables us to explore, prototype, and launch new features faster than centralized competitors.

Moving Forward

To achieve mass adoption, we must blend the best of web2 experiences with web3 innovation. Learning from top consumer companies, we aim to:

  1. Build Virtuous Loops: Create self-reinforcing processes that enhance user engagement and drive viral growth.
  2. Incorporate Gamification: Make our platform sticky and enjoyable, giving users compelling reasons to engage and stay.

Cuckoo is poised for significant growth with the launch of Cuckoo Chain. By focusing on the experiences of holders, miners, and AI developers, we are building a vibrant, resilient, and decentralized ecosystem. Join us in redefining the future of AI.

· 3 min read
Lark Birdy

Cuckoo Chain is set to transform the AI blockchain landscape. As an Arbitrum L2 in the Ethereum ecosystem, it brings streamlined AI developer experience, fast speed and efficiency to the table. This makes it a prime choice for Web3 + AI users seeking robust and scalable solutions.

Why Choose Cuckoo Chain?

Lightning Speed

Cuckoo Chain operates at a blistering pace with a max theoretical throughput of 40,000 transactions per second (TPS). Block times are a mere 0.25 seconds, and the time-to-finality is under one minute. This performance opens new possibilities, enabling real-time applications that were previously unimaginable.

Optimized for On-Chain AI

Cuckoo Chain is tailored for AI integration. It supports the storage of large inference traces and input data, and facilitates running inference requests directly on-chain. This creates a seamless and efficient environment for deploying AI models, making Cuckoo Chain the go-to platform for AI-driven applications.

Cost Efficiency

One of the standout features of Cuckoo Chain is its cost-effectiveness. Storage and retrieval costs are significantly lower, at $0.001 compared to Ethereum L1's ~$1.44. This drastic reduction in costs makes it more accessible for developers and businesses looking to leverage blockchain technology without breaking the bank.

Build for the GenAI Era

Cuckoo Chain is designed to meet the needs of the Generation AI era. Its infrastructure supports autonomous, flexible, and adaptable smart contracts, enabling a wide range of applications and use cases.


With Cuckoo Chain, you can add machine learning (ML) capabilities to smart contracts, making them more autonomous. These contracts can make decisions based on real-time on-chain data, allowing for dynamic and responsive applications.


Cuckoo Chain's flexibility means it can support a broad array of scenarios, including those unforeseen at the time of contract creation. This adaptability ensures that your applications remain relevant and functional as the blockchain landscape evolves.

Embedded Machine Learning

Cuckoo Chain enables the embedding of ML models directly on-chain. It provides the necessary data storage and availability to support the computational needs of ML applications. This embedded approach streamlines the deployment and management of AI models, enhancing the overall efficiency and capability of your blockchain projects.

Join the Cuckoo DAO and Unlock Web3's Full Potential

Cuckoo Chain is more than just a blockchain; it's a community-driven ecosystem. By joining the Cuckoo DAO, you become part of a dynamic and innovative network that is shaping the future of Web3. Connect with us on Discord, Telegram, and GitHub to stay updated and contribute to the development of this groundbreaking platform.

Call for developers

Web3 and AI developers are welcomed to join our permissionless network

Cuckoo Chain Mainnet

Cuckoo Sepolia Testnet


Cuckoo Chain is redefining what’s possible with blockchain technology. Its unmatched speed, cost-efficiency, and AI optimization make it the ideal platform for developers looking to push the boundaries of Web3. As we continue to innovate and expand, we invite you to join us on this journey. Develop with Cuckoo Chain today and experience the future of AI blockchain.

· 2 min read
Lark Birdy

The Cuckoo Network is excited to announce our June 2024 airdrop. A total of 30,000 $CAI tokens will be distributed among users who actively engage with our Alpha and Sepolia Testnets. This is your opportunity to be rewarded for your support and participation.

Update of July 3rd: Rewards of Airdrop June 2024 have been distributed through 0x17...E2 and 0xE9...b4. Thank you for your support! Follow us on to check future airdrops!

How to Participate

  1. Get Development Tokens: Visit our faucet to receive your development tokens.
  2. Stake Your Tokens: Head over to our staking portal to stake your tokens on the Cuckoo Alpha Testnet or Cuckoo Sepolia Testnet.
  3. Engage and Earn: Interact with the testnets and ensure your address is registered. The more you engage, the better your chances of earning a larger share of the 30,000 $CAI tokens.

Why Participate?

Exclusive Rewards: This airdrop is designed to reward our early adopters. By participating, you not only get free tokens but also contribute to the growth and stability of the Cuckoo Network.

Support Innovation: Your interaction helps us fine-tune the network, ensuring a robust and efficient mainnet launch.

Community Building: Joining the airdrop connects you with a vibrant community of Web3 + AI enthusiasts. Share insights, collaborate on projects, and be part of the future of decentralized networks.

Key Dates

  • Airdrop Start Date: June 20, 2024
  • Airdrop End Date: June 30, 2024
  • Token Distribution: By July 15, 2024


What is $CAI? $CAI is the native token of the Cuckoo Network, used for transactions, staking, and governance.

How do I qualify for the airdrop? Interact with our Alpha or Sepolia Testnets. e.g. Stake your development tokens on the Cuckoo Alpha Testnet or Sepolia Testnet and engage actively.

Is there a minimum staking requirement? There is no minimum requirement. However, more engagement may lead to higher rewards.

When will the tokens be distributed? The tokens will be distributed by July 15, 2024, to all qualifying participants.


Don't miss this chance to be part of the Cuckoo Network’s journey. Participate in our June 2024 airdrop and secure your share of 30,000 $CAI tokens. Engage, stake, and earn while contributing to the development of a decentralized future.

Join Now: Cuckoo Network Airdrop

· 5 min read
Lark Birdy

In decentralized AI, ensuring the integrity and reliability of GPU providers is crucial. The Proof of Sampling (PoSP) protocol, as outlined in recent research from Holistic AI, provides a sophisticated mechanism to incentivize good actors while slashing bad ones. Let's see how this protocol works, its economic incentives, penalties, and its application to decentralized AI inference.

Incentives for Honest Behavior

Economic Rewards

At the heart of the PoSP protocol are economic incentives designed to encourage honest participation. Nodes, acting as asserters and validators, are rewarded based on their contributions:

  • Asserters: Receive a reward (RA) if their computed output is correct and unchallenged.
  • Validators: Share the reward (RV/n) if their results align with the asserter's and are verified as correct.

Unique Nash Equilibrium

The PoSP protocol is designed to reach a unique Nash Equilibrium in pure strategies, where all nodes are motivated to act honestly. By aligning individual profit with system security, the protocol ensures that honesty is the most profitable strategy for participants.

Penalties for Dishonest Behavior

Slashing Mechanism

To deter dishonest behavior, the PoSP protocol employs a slashing mechanism. If an asserter or validator is caught being dishonest, they face significant economic penalties (S). This ensures that the cost of dishonesty far outweighs any potential short-term gains.

Challenge Mechanism

Random challenges further secure the system. With a predetermined probability (p), the protocol triggers a challenge where multiple validators re-compute the asserter's output. If discrepancies are found, dishonest actors are penalized. This random selection process makes it difficult for bad actors to collude and cheat undetected.

Steps of the PoSP Protocol

  1. Asserter Selection: A node is randomly selected to act as an asserter, computing and outputting a value.

  2. Challenge Probability:

    The system may trigger a challenge based on a predetermined probability.

    • No Challenge: The asserter is rewarded if no challenge is triggered.
    • Challenge Triggered: A set number (n) of validators are randomly selected to verify the asserter's output.
  3. Validation:

    Each validator independently computes the result and compares it with the asserter's output.

    • Match: If all results match, both the asserter and validators are rewarded.
    • Mismatch: An arbitration process determines the honesty of the asserter and validators.
  4. Penalties: Dishonest nodes are penalized, while honest validators receive their reward share.


The spML (sampling-based Machine Learning) protocol is an implementation of the Proof of Sampling (PoSP) protocol within a decentralized AI inference network.

Key Steps

  1. User Input: The user sends their input to a randomly selected server (asserter) along with their digital signature.
  2. Server Output: The server computes the output and sends it back to the user along with a hash of the result.
  3. Challenge Mechanism:
    • With a predetermined probability (p), the system triggers a challenge where another server (validator) is randomly selected to verify the result.
    • If no challenge is triggered, the asserter receives a reward (R) and the process concludes.
  4. Verification:
    • If a challenge is triggered, the user sends the same input to the validator.
    • The validator computes the result and sends it back to the user along with a hash.
  5. Comparison:
    • The user compares the hashes of the asserter's and validator's outputs.
    • If the hashes match, both the asserter and validator are rewarded, and the user receives a discount on the base fee.
    • If the hashes do not match, the user broadcasts both hashes to the network.
  6. Arbitration:
    • The network votes to determine the honesty of the asserter and validator based on the discrepancies.
    • Honest nodes are rewarded, while dishonest ones are penalized (slashed).

Key Components and Mechanisms

  • Deterministic ML Execution: Uses fixed-point arithmetic and software-based floating-point libraries to ensure consistent, reproducible results.
  • Stateless Design: Treats each query as independent, maintaining statelessness throughout the ML process.
  • Permissionless Participation: Allows anyone to join the network and contribute by running an AI server.
  • Off-chain Operations: AI inferences are computed off-chain to reduce the load on the blockchain, with results and digital signatures relayed directly to users.
  • On-chain Operations: Critical functions, such as balance calculations and challenge mechanisms, are handled on-chain to ensure transparency and security.

Advantages of spML

  • High Security: Achieves security through economic incentives, ensuring nodes act honestly due to the potential penalties for dishonesty.
  • Low Computational Overhead: Validators only need to compare hashes in most cases, reducing computational load during verification.
  • Scalability: Can handle extensive network activity without significant performance degradation.
  • Simplicity: Maintains simplicity in implementation, enhancing ease of integration and maintenance.

Comparison with Other Protocols

  • Optimistic Fraud Proof (opML):
    • Relies on economic disincentives for fraudulent behavior and a dispute resolution mechanism.
    • Vulnerable to fraudulent activity if not enough validators are honest.
  • Zero Knowledge Proof (zkML):
    • Ensures high security through cryptographic proofs.
    • Faces challenges in scalability and efficiency due to high computational overhead.
  • spML:
    • Combines high security through economic incentives, low computational overhead, and high scalability.
    • Simplifies the verification process by focusing on hash comparisons, reducing the need for complex computations during challenges.


The Proof of Sampling (PoSP) protocol effectively balances the need to incentivize good actors and deter bad ones, ensuring the overall security and reliability of decentralized systems. By combining economic rewards with stringent penalties, PoSP fosters an environment where honest behavior is not only encouraged but necessary for success. As decentralized AI continues to grow, protocols like PoSP will be essential in maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of these advanced systems.

· 2 min read
Dora Noda

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Cuckoo Sepolia V2, an upgraded testnet built on Arbitrum. This significant transition is a direct response to the valuable feedback from our community, aiming to enhance the utility and scalability of our platform.

Highlights from Cuckoo Sepolia V1

Since the launch of Cuckoo Sepolia V1 on April 20, 2024, we have seen remarkable growth and engagement:

  • 2 million transactions
  • 43.2k daily transactions
  • 2,362 active addresses

These milestones reflect the robust activity and growing interest in our platform, setting a strong foundation for the next phase.


Why Arbitrum?

Our decision to move to Arbitrum stems from its advanced capabilities and readiness for mainnet deployment. Arbitrum offers comprehensive support for custom gas tokens, a crucial feature for our vision of a universal AI rollup empowering diverse AI DApps. This shift ensures a more seamless and efficient experience for developers and users alike.

What to Expect

With Cuckoo Sepolia V2 on Arbitrum, users can look forward to:

  • Improved Transaction Efficiency: Faster and more reliable transactions.
  • Custom Gas Token: Reduced gas fees and enhanced user experience.
  • Scalability: Better support for a growing number of AI DApps.

Cuckoo Network Testnet Faucet

Get CAI/WCAI tokens and start to develop on Cuckoo Chain today at

Join Us in Shaping the Future

We invite all token holders, web3 enthusiasts, and developers to explore the new possibilities with Cuckoo Sepolia V2. Your feedback and participation are essential as we continue to innovate and improve our platform.

Stay tuned for more updates and join us in this exciting new chapter. Together, we are building the future of decentralized AI applications.

Visit our website for more details and follow us on X / Twitter for the latest news and updates.

Cuckoo Network – Empowering the Future of AI with Blockchain.