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· 5 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

Chez Cuckoo Network, nous sommes ravis de vous présenter Cuckoo Chat, une fusion innovante d'IA, de Web3 et de fandom d'anime. Imaginez parler à Naruto des techniques de ninja ou demander à Light Yagami son sens de la justice. Maintenant, tout cela est possible—directement depuis le portail de Cuckoo Network.

Entrez dans le monde de l'anime avec Cuckoo Chat : alimenté par l'IA et le Web3

Avec Cuckoo Chat, nous avons donné vie à 17 des personnages d'anime les plus aimés grâce à une IA conversationnelle avancée, construite sur Llama et alimentée par notre infrastructure Web3 décentralisée. Que vous soyez un spectateur occasionnel ou un fan d'anime inconditionnel, Cuckoo Chat offre une expérience immersive et unique qui vous permet d'engager des conversations en temps réel avec vos personnages préférés.

Pourquoi Cuckoo Chat est différent

Cuckoo Chat n'est pas qu'un simple chatbot. C'est une partie de notre vision plus large chez Cuckoo Network de décentraliser l'IA, garantissant que vos interactions sont alimentées par une infrastructure Web3 sécurisée et évolutive. Les réponses de chaque personnage sont traitées via nos nœuds d'IA décentralisés, ce qui signifie des interactions plus rapides, plus privées et plus fiables. De plus, vous pouvez même gagner des récompenses en utilisant Cuckoo Chat, grâce à notre réseau GPU incitatif unique !

Rencontrez les personnages : vos personnalités préférées, maintenant sous forme de chat

Notre première version présente 17 personnages emblématiques de l'anime et de la culture pop, créés par nos communautés de créateurs, soigneusement conçus pour refléter leurs personnalités authentiques, leurs histoires et leurs particularités. Préparez-vous à discuter avec :

Cuckoo Chat

  • Naruto Uzumaki : Le ninja déterminé de Konoha
  • Son Goku : Le protecteur Saiyan inarrêtable de la Terre
  • Levi Ackerman : Le soldat le plus fort de l'humanité de L'Attaque des Titans
  • Light Yagami : Le porteur du Death Note, prêt à discuter de justice
  • Saitama : Le héros imbattable qui gagne chaque combat d'un seul coup
  • Doraemon : Le chat robotique futuriste avec des gadgets infinis

Et bien d'autres, y compris Monkey D. Luffy, Tsunade, et SpongeBob SquarePants (oui, même SpongeBob est là !). Chaque conversation offre une expérience immersive centrée sur les personnages que vous ne trouverez nulle part ailleurs.

Comment ça fonctionne ? Simple !

  1. Visitez : Allez sur
  2. Choisissez : Sélectionnez votre personnage d'anime préféré dans la liste.
  3. Discutez : Commencez votre conversation ! Chaque chat donne l'impression que vous parlez directement à votre personnage choisi.

Avec chaque session de chat, vous interagissez avec une IA décentralisée, ce qui signifie que vos conversations sont traitées de manière sécurisée via les mineurs GPU décentralisés de Cuckoo Network. Chaque interaction est privée, rapide et entièrement distribuée sur le réseau.

Pourquoi nous avons créé Cuckoo Chat : Pour les fans d'anime, par des innovateurs Web3

Chez Cuckoo Network, nous sommes passionnés par le dépassement des limites de l'IA et du Web3. Avec Cuckoo Chat, nous avons créé plus qu'une simple expérience amusante—nous avons construit une plateforme qui s'aligne avec notre mission de décentraliser l'IA et de donner aux utilisateurs plus de contrôle sur leurs données et interactions. À mesure que le monde du Web3 évolue, Cuckoo Chat sert de pont innovant entre les fandoms et la technologie de pointe.

Nous ne nous arrêtons pas là. Cuckoo Chat continuera de croître avec plus de personnages, des modèles d'interaction plus profonds et de nouvelles fonctionnalités alimentées par les retours et la participation des utilisateurs. Restez à l'écoute pour plus de mises à jour et faites partie de l'avenir de l'IA décentralisée !

Qu'est-ce qui vient ensuite ?

Nous élargissons constamment l'univers de Cuckoo Chat ! Bientôt, nous introduirons des objets de collection basés sur des NFTs liés à chaque conversation, où les utilisateurs pourront créer des moments uniques de leurs discussions avec des personnages d'anime. De plus, nous travaillons à déployer un support multilingue pour améliorer les conversations pour les fans du monde entier.

Participez !

Votre voix compte. Après avoir utilisé Cuckoo Chat, partagez votre expérience avec nous sur Discord ou 𝕏/Twitter. Vos retours façonnent directement l'avenir de cette fonctionnalité. Vous avez un personnage avec lequel vous aimeriez discuter ? Faites-le nous savoir—nous cherchons toujours à élargir le répertoire de Cuckoo Chat en fonction de vos suggestions.

Commencez à discuter maintenant avec vos personnages d'anime préférés sur Cuckoo Chat. C'est plus qu'une simple conversation—c'est une aventure décentralisée au cœur du fandom d'anime !

Pourquoi vous allez adorer Cuckoo Chat :

  • Conversations immersives avec des personnages d'anime authentiques alimentés par l'IA
  • Confidentialité alimentée par le Web3 et infrastructure décentralisée
  • Récompenses et futurs NFTs liés à vos chats préférés

Rejoignez-nous dans ce nouveau voyage passionnant avec Cuckoo Chat—où le fandom d'anime rencontre l'avenir du Web3.

· 3 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

Cuckoo Network is thrilled to announce the completion of its pilot phase for GPU mining rewards distribution. Not only has the pilot been a success, but the network has also achieved significant growth. In this phase, we distributed 450,000 CAI tokens to our dedicated pilot GPU miners, marking a key step toward building a robust, decentralized AI infrastructure.

Cuckoo Network Rewards Top Miners After Successful Pilot Phase

Celebrating Our Achievements

Before diving into the details, let’s celebrate some key metrics that highlight the strength and potential of the Cuckoo Network:

  • 43 Active Miners: This growing number demonstrates increasing participation, ensuring a diverse and resilient infrastructure for AI computations.
  • Over 60,000 Images Generated: This underscores the practical demand for our decentralized AI services, particularly in image generation.
  • More than 8,000 Unique Addresses Served: This indicates broad adoption, with a growing user base relying on Cuckoo Network for AI-powered solutions.

Future Directions: Focusing on Top Performers with Flexibility

As we move forward, we're adjusting our reward structure to prioritize the top 10 voted miners in the community. This strategy aims to boost the network's growth and efficiency, but it’s flexible and open to future adjustments based on performance and community feedback. We’re considering introducing a multi-tiered reward system in the future, extending incentives to the top 20, 40, 80, 160 miners, and beyond.

Why We're Making This Change

  1. Enhancing Network Quality: Rewarding top miners incentivizes high-quality contributions, optimizing network performance for all users.
  2. Promoting Engagement: This system encourages miners to actively engage with and support the community, fostering a more vibrant ecosystem.
  3. Ensuring Sustainability: Focusing on top performers helps manage our token economy sustainably while maintaining a high-quality network.
  4. Driving Innovation: Competition for top spots pushes miners to innovate, benefiting the entire network.

Key Changes

  1. Targeted Distribution: Mining rewards will be distributed exclusively to the top 10 voted miners.
  2. Community-Driven: Votes from the community will determine the top contributors, empowering the community to shape the network’s future.

What This Means for Miners

  • Top Performers: Expect more substantial rewards if you consistently rank among the top-voted miners.
  • All Miners: Engage with the community and optimize your operations to earn a top spot.

Opportunities Beyond Mining

Cuckoo Network offers opportunities for everyone, not just miners. You can still earn CAI tokens through our Airdrop Portal or by staking in our Staking Portal.

  • Airdrop Portal: Over 110,000 CAI tokens have been distributed to active community members. Participate in discussions, create content, or contribute feedback to earn rewards.
  • Staking Portal: Stake your tokens to support network stability and earn rewards, contributing to the health and growth of Cuckoo Network.

Wrapping Up

This transition marks an exciting chapter for Cuckoo Network. By focusing rewards on top-performing miners and offering opportunities through our Airdrop and Staking Portals, we aim to build a diverse, engaged, and high-quality ecosystem. Our balanced approach will drive innovation, strengthen the network, and ensure that all contributors benefit as we grow.

Thank you to all our miners, developers, users, content creators, and supporters. Together, we're not just reaching milestones; we're redefining what's possible in decentralized AI computation.

Stay tuned for more updates, and whether you’re mining, staking, or participating through our Airdrop Portal, keep contributing to the Cuckoo Network community!

· 3 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

Cuckoo Art, the revolutionary AI-powered art creation platform, today announced a new feature allowing users to share their creations directly to X/Twitter with just one click. This integration bridges the gap between Cuckoo Art's creative community and the broader social media landscape, enabling artists to showcase their work to a global audience instantly.

Cuckoo Art Introduces One-Click Sharing to X/Twitter

"We're excited to offer our users a seamless way to share their Cuckoo Art creations with the world," said Lark Birdy, CEO of Cuckoo Network. "This feature not only amplifies our artists' voices but also introduces Cuckoo Art to potential new users through the power of social sharing."

The new sharing feature is now available to all Cuckoo Art users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the X/Twitter sharing feature work?

A: After creating or viewing an artwork on Cuckoo Art, users will see a "Share to X" button. Clicking this button will open a pre-populated X/Twitter post with the artwork image and a link back to Cuckoo Art. Users can add their own text before posting.

Q: Do I need to connect my X/Twitter account to Cuckoo Art?

A: No, the sharing feature uses X/Twitter's native sharing functionality, so you'll be prompted to log in to X/Twitter (if you're not already) when you click the share button.

Q: What information is shared when I post to X/Twitter?

A: The post will include the image of the artwork, a link to view it on Cuckoo Art, and any additional text you choose to add. By default, it will also include the hashtag #CuckooArt.

Q: Can I customize what's shared to X/Twitter?

A: Yes, you can edit the text of the post before sharing. However, the image and link to Cuckoo Art will always be included to maintain attribution.

A: No, sharing to X/Twitter does not change your rights to the artwork. You retain all rights as defined in Cuckoo Art's terms of service.

Q: Is there a limit to how many times I can share to X/Twitter?

A: There's no limit imposed by Cuckoo Art, but please be mindful of X/Twitter's posting guidelines to avoid any issues with their platform.

Q: Can I share others' artworks or only my own?

A: You can share any public artwork on Cuckoo Art. When sharing another user's work, proper attribution will be included automatically.

Q: Will this feature be available for other social media platforms in the future?

A: We're starting with X/Twitter integration, but we're exploring options to expand to other platforms based on user feedback and demand.

Q: How does this benefit the Cuckoo Art community?

A: This feature increases exposure for our artists, potentially attracts new users to the platform, and helps build a stronger connection between Cuckoo Art and wider social media communities.

Q: Is there any integration with meme ERC20 or ERC721 tokens when sharing to X/Twitter?

A: Currently, the sharing feature focuses on the artwork itself and doesn't directly integrate with blockchain tokens. However, we're exploring potential future features that could allow users to mint their Cuckoo Art creations as ERC721 NFTs or associate them with ERC20 meme tokens. These tokens could potentially be referenced or showcased when sharing to X/Twitter, adding an extra layer of blockchain integration and value to the shared content. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting possibility!

For more information about Cuckoo Art and its features, visit website URL.

· 3 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

Dear Cuckoo Network Community,

We're thrilled to announce an exciting new initiative that will help Cuckoo Network reach users around the globe. Our internationalization (i18n) support is now ready, and we're inviting you, our passionate community members, to help translate the Cuckoo.Network website into multiple languages.

Why This Matters

At Cuckoo Network, we believe that the power of decentralized AI should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their native language. By translating our website, we're not just breaking down language barriers; we're opening doors to innovation, creativity, and collaboration on a truly global scale.

How You Can Contribute

We've made the translation process as straightforward as possible:

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning our GitHub repository and navigating to the home package.
  2. Locate Translation Files: All translation files are conveniently located in the i18n directory.
  3. Translate: Use your language skills to translate the content accurately.
  4. Submit Your Work: Create a Pull Request with your translations.

For detailed instructions, please check out our GitHub issue.

Rewards for Your Efforts

We value your time and expertise. As a token of our appreciation, contributors will receive $CAI tokens for their translation efforts. The rewards will be based on the quality and quantity of the translations submitted.

Tools and Resources

We use Docusaurus 2 as our Content Management System. If you're new to translating for Docusaurus, don't worry! We've provided a link to their comprehensive i18n tutorial in the GitHub issue.

Join a Global Movement

By participating in this translation initiative, you're not just helping Cuckoo Network; you're part of a global movement to make decentralized AI accessible to all. Your contributions will help users from diverse backgrounds understand, engage with, and benefit from our platform.

Get Started Today

Ready to make a global impact? Head over to our GitHub issue for all the details on how to get started. Whether you're fluent in multiple languages or just passionate about your mother tongue, your contribution can make a significant difference.

We can't wait to see Cuckoo.Network flourish in many languages, thanks to your efforts. Let's work together to bring the power of decentralized AI to every corner of the world!

Thank you for being an essential part of our global community. Together, we're building a more inclusive and accessible future for AI.

Happy translating!

The Cuckoo Network Team

Join the conversation:

P.S. Don't forget to include your Cuckoo Network address in your Pull Request to receive your $CAI rewards!

· 5 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

The decentralized world is evolving, and at Cuckoo Network, we're at the forefront of this exciting journey. We’re calling on passionate artists, skilled developers, and forward-thinking innovators to join us as co-builders in shaping the future of decentralized platforms. If you're eager to make a lasting impact, now's the time to get involved. Here’s how you can contribute:

1. Create Art on Cuckoo Art

Are you an artist with a vision for the future? Cuckoo Art is our dedicated space for creatives to showcase and share their work with the world. We’re looking for artists who can bring their unique flair and creativity to the platform, creating pieces that resonate with the community and beyond.

Why Join Cuckoo Art?

  • Exposure: Get your work seen by a global audience of art lovers and collectors.
  • Innovation: Experiment with new forms of digital art, including Generative AI Arts, NFTs, and be a part of a revolutionary movement in the art world.
  • Collaboration: Connect with other artists and creators within the Cuckoo Network to collaborate on groundbreaking projects.

Whether you’re into Ghibli, Mucha, or any other style of visual expression, there’s a place for you in Cuckoo Art. Help us build a vibrant, creative community where art meets blockchain.

2. Develop Tutorials on Cuckoo Art

The world of decentralized platforms can be daunting, especially for newcomers. That’s why we need skilled developers and educators to create tutorials that guide users through the intricacies of Cuckoo Art and the broader Cuckoo Network.

What’s in It for You?

  • Empowerment: Help others master the tools and features of Cuckoo Art, empowering a new generation of creators.
  • Recognition: Your tutorials will be a key resource for the community, earning you recognition as a thought leader in the space.
  • Impact: Play a crucial role in lowering the barriers to entry, making decentralized art accessible to all.

If you’re passionate about education and blockchain, this is your chance to contribute to something meaningful. Let’s make learning on the Cuckoo Network a smooth and enjoyable experience!

3. Bridge Stablecoins to Cuckoo Chain

In the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), stablecoins play a crucial role by providing stability in an otherwise volatile market. We’re looking for talented blockchain developers to help us bridge stablecoins to the Cuckoo Chain, making our ecosystem more robust and versatile.

Why This Matters:

  • Financial Stability: By bridging stablecoins, you’ll help provide a stable medium of exchange within the Cuckoo Network, encouraging more users to participate.
  • Innovation Opportunities: Work on cutting-edge technology and be part of the next wave of DeFi innovations.
  • Community Growth: A stable financial system will attract a broader range of users, from traders to everyday consumers, boosting the Cuckoo Network’s growth.

Your expertise could be the key to making Cuckoo Chain a more secure and reliable platform. Join us in bridging the gap between traditional finance and the decentralized future.

4. Build Cuckoo Pred Prediction Markets

Prediction markets are an exciting area of DeFi that allows users to bet on the outcome of future events. We’re developing Cuckoo Pred, a prediction market on the Cuckoo Chain, and we need innovative thinkers to help bring this vision to life.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Be a Pioneer: Help shape one of the most dynamic and engaging aspects of the Cuckoo Network.
  • Challenge Yourself: Dive into complex problems and come up with solutions that push the boundaries of what’s possible in prediction markets.
  • Community Impact: Create a platform where users can speculate, hedge risks, and participate in a decentralized market with real-world outcomes.

If you love a good challenge and have a passion for DeFi, Cuckoo Pred is the perfect project for you. Let’s build something that not only entertains but also serves as a powerful tool for users worldwide.

How to Get Involved

Ready to become a co-builder on the Cuckoo Network? We’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re an artist, developer, or innovator, your skills can help shape the future of decentralized platforms. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Join Our Community: Engage with us on social media and our community forums. Introduce yourself, share your ideas, and connect with other like-minded individuals.
  • Contribute: Start working on your project, whether it's art, tutorials, bridging stablecoins, or building the prediction market. Share your progress with the community for feedback and support.
  • Collaborate: Partner with other members of the Cuckoo Network to enhance your projects. We believe in the power of collaboration to drive innovation.

Let’s Build the Future Together

The Cuckoo Network is more than just a platform; it’s a community-driven movement towards a decentralized future. By joining us as a co-builder, you’re not just contributing to a project—you’re helping to build the foundation of something that could change the world.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, roll up your sleeves, and let’s create something incredible together!

Ready to co-create Cuckoo Network? Contact our Cuckoo Ecosystem Fund manager!

· 4 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

The Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal is here. Engage, earn, and become part of the future of decentralized AI.

Update (August 26, 2024): Due to an increase in fraudulent activity, we are adjusting the reward values listed below. We remain committed to fairly rewarding genuine participation while ensuring the integrity of our airdrop program. Here is a revised version:

ActionRewards in $CAIDescription
Login1 ~ 2First-time sign up or sign in
Refer30% of referee's rewardsEarn a percentage of your referee's rewards
Add Email2Receive latest news and benefits
Daily Claim0 ~ 1 DailyStay updated on the mission of onchain AI
Follow X0.01Follow us on X to stay connected
Bind Discord0.01Join and link your Discord account
Bind Telegram0.01Join and link your Telegram account
Create 1st Image1Showcase your creativity with your first image
Stake $CAI5Strengthen the network by staking $CAI
1st-Time Mine with GPU300Dive into GPU mining for substantial rewards

What is the Airdrop Portal?

The Airdrop Portal is designed to reward you for your engagement and support. Every interaction you make with the portal helps grow the Cuckoo Network, while you earn valuable $CAI tokens.

Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal

How to Earn Rewards with Airdrop

Earning rewards with the Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal is straightforward. Here’s how:

ActionRewards in $CAIDescription
Login1 ~ 10First-time sign up or sign in
Refer30% of referee's rewardsEarn a percentage of your referee's rewards
Add Email10Receive latest news and benefits
Daily Claim0 ~ 5 DailyStay updated on the mission of onchain AI
Follow X5Follow us on X to stay connected
Bind Discord5Join and link your Discord account
Bind Telegram5Join and link your Telegram account
Create 1st Image10Showcase your creativity with your first image
Stake $CAI20Strengthen the network by staking $CAI
1st-Time Mine with GPU300Dive into GPU mining for substantial rewards

Why Participate?

Participating in the Airdrop Portal is a chance to be at the forefront of decentralized AI. Your engagement supports the network’s mission and growth, while you benefit directly from the tokens you earn.

More specifically, if you refer friends into cuckoo network, you will get 30% of their airdrops from the portal.

More about $CAI

  1. Stake to establish trust in the onchain AI network
  2. Generate and share value in GPU mining
  3. Reward contributors (builders, partners, and users)
  4. Facilitate governance
  5. Payment for onchain AI DApps

Get Started

Visit Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal to start earning your rewards today. Engage with the community, support the network, and reap the benefits of $CAI tokens. The future of decentralized AI starts with you.

Join us on this journey and your participation makes a difference! Use our account's referral link to sign up

· 3 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

Starting from July 2024, Cuckoo Network is rolling out an exciting opportunity for GPU miners: a daily reward of 300 $CAI per GPU. If you've been exploring ways to leverage your GPU for cryptocurrency mining, now's your chance to dive into the Cuckoo ecosystem and maximize your earnings. Let's break down everything you need to know to get started and stay ahead in the mining game.

What is Cuckoo Network?

Cuckoo Network is a cutting-edge blockchain platform designed to facilitate efficient and decentralized AI computation. By harnessing the power of GPU mining, Cuckoo Network aims to distribute computational tasks across a global network of nodes, ensuring both scalability and security.

Why GPU Mining?

GPU mining leverages the parallel processing power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to solve complex mathematical problems, which is integral to blockchain verification processes. Compared to traditional CPU mining, GPU mining offers higher efficiency and better returns, making it an attractive option for miners looking to optimize their setup. Specifically for Cuckoo Network, we mine for text-to-image and generative AI usage.

How to Get Started with Cuckoo Network Mining

Ready to start mining?

First things first, you'll need a compatible GPU. Cuckoo Network supports a range of GPUs, but for optimal performance and rewards, ensure your hardware meets the recommended specifications:

  • NVIDIA GTX NVIDIA 3080, L4, or above
  • Minimum 8GB VRAM
  • Reliable internet connection

Then, follow the documentation for miner software installation.

Monitoring and Maximizing Earnings

Mining isn’t just about setting it and forgetting it. To maximize your earnings, keep an eye on a few key factors:

  • Performance Metrics: Regularly check your GPU's performance to ensure it’s operating efficiently.
  • Network Updates: Stay informed about any changes to the Cuckoo Network’s reward structure or software updates.
  • Community Engagement: Join the Cuckoo Network community forums or Discord channels to exchange tips and stay updated on best practices.

Future Developments

The Cuckoo Network is still in active development, which means changes to the mining schedule and reward structure could occur. It’s essential to stay updated by regularly visiting the official documentation and participating in community discussions.


Q: What is $CAI?

A: $CAI is the native cryptocurrency of the Cuckoo Network, used for transactions and rewarding miners within the ecosystem.

Q: How much can I earn from GPU mining on Cuckoo Network?

A: Starting in July 2024, you can earn 300 $CAI per day per GPU. Actual earnings may vary based on network conditions and hardware performance.

Q: What are the system requirements for GPU mining on Cuckoo Network?

A: You’ll need a GPU with at least 8GB VRAM, such as an NVIDIA GTX NVIDIA 3080, L4, or above, and a stable internet connection.

Wrapping Up

The launch of GPU mining on the Cuckoo Network in July 2024 marks an exciting opportunity for miners to earn significant rewards while contributing to a decentralized AI computation network. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can get started quickly and efficiently. Happy mining!

· 4 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

The demand for deploying large language models (LLMs) on mobile devices is rising, driven by the need for privacy, reduced latency, and efficient bandwidth usage. However, the extensive memory and computational requirements of LLMs pose significant challenges. Enter LinguaLinked, a new system, developed by a group of researchers from UC Irvine, designed to enable decentralized, distributed LLM inference across multiple mobile devices, leveraging their collective capabilities to perform complex tasks efficiently.

The Challenge

Deploying LLMs like GPT-3 or BLOOM on mobile devices is challenging due to:

  • Memory Constraints: LLMs require substantial memory, often exceeding the capacity of individual mobile devices.
  • Computational Limitations: Mobile devices typically have limited processing power, making it difficult to run large models.
  • Privacy Concerns: Sending data to centralized servers for processing raises privacy issues.

LinguaLinked's Solution

LinguaLinked addresses these challenges with three key strategies:

  1. Optimized Model Assignment:

    • The system segments LLMs into smaller subgraphs using linear optimization to match each segment with a device's capabilities.
    • This ensures efficient use of resources and minimizes inter-device data transmission.
  2. Runtime Load Balancing:

    • LinguaLinked actively monitors device performance and redistributes tasks to prevent bottlenecks.
    • This dynamic approach ensures efficient use of all available resources, enhancing overall system responsiveness.
  3. Optimized Communication:

    • Efficient data transmission maps guide the flow of information between devices, maintaining the model's structural integrity.
    • This method reduces latency and ensures timely data processing across the network of mobile devices.

A single large language model (LLM) is split into different parts (or segments) and distributed across multiple mobile devices. This approach allows each device to handle only a fraction of the total computation and storage requirements, making it feasible to run complex models even on devices with limited resources. Here's a breakdown of how this works:

Model Segmentation and Distribution

  1. Model Segmentation:
    • The large language model is transformed into a computational graph where each operation within the network is represented as a node.
    • This graph is then partitioned into smaller subgraphs, each capable of functioning independently.
  2. Optimized Model Assignment:
    • Using linear optimization, these subgraphs (or model segments) are assigned to different mobile devices.
    • The assignment considers each device's computational and memory capabilities, ensuring efficient resource use and minimizing data transmission overhead between devices.
  3. Collaborative Inference Execution:
    • Each mobile device processes its assigned segment of the model.
    • Devices communicate with each other to exchange intermediate results as needed, ensuring the overall inference task is completed correctly.
    • Optimized communication strategies are employed to maintain the integrity of the original model structure and ensure efficient data flow.

Example Scenario

Imagine a large language model like GPT-3 being split into several parts. One mobile device might handle the initial token embeddings and the first few layers of the model, while another device processes the middle layers, and a third device completes the final layers and generates the output. Throughout this process, devices share intermediate outputs to ensure the complete model inference is executed seamlessly.

Performance and Results

LinguaLinked's efficacy is demonstrated through extensive testing on various Android devices, both high-end and low-end. Key findings include:

  • Inference Speed: Compared to a baseline, LinguaLinked accelerates inference performance by 1.11× to 1.61× in single-threaded settings and 1.73× to 2.65× with multi-threading.
  • Load Balancing: The system's runtime load balancing further boosts performance, with an overall acceleration of 1.29× to 1.32×.
  • Scalability: Larger models benefit significantly from LinguaLinked's optimized model assignment, showcasing its scalability and effectiveness in handling complex tasks.

Use Cases and Applications

LinguaLinked is particularly suited for scenarios where privacy and efficiency are paramount. Applications include:

  • Text Generation and Summarization: Generating coherent and contextually relevant text locally on mobile devices.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Classifying text data efficiently without compromising user privacy.
  • Real-time Translation: Providing quick and accurate translations directly on the device.

Future Directions

LinguaLinked paves the way for further advancements in mobile AI:

  • Energy Efficiency: Future iterations will focus on optimizing energy consumption to prevent battery drain and overheating during intensive tasks.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Continued improvements in decentralized processing will ensure even greater data privacy.
  • Multi-modality Models: Expanding LinguaLinked to support multi-modality models for diverse real-world applications.


LinguaLinked represents a significant leap forward in deploying LLMs on mobile devices. By distributing the computational load and optimizing resource use, it makes advanced AI accessible and efficient on a wide range of devices. This innovation not only enhances performance but also ensures data privacy, setting the stage for more personalized and secure mobile AI applications.

· 4 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

The rise of large language models (LLMs) and decentralized computing has introduced significant challenges, especially regarding the verification and integrity of AI computations across distributed systems. The 6079 Proof of Inference Protocol (PoIP) addresses these challenges by establishing a robust framework for decentralized AI inference, ensuring reliable and secure computations.

The Challenge: Security in Decentralized AI Inference

Decentralized AI inference faces the unique problem of ensuring the integrity and correctness of computations performed across a network of distributed nodes. Traditional methods of verification fall short due to the non-deterministic nature of many AI models. Without a robust protocol, it's challenging to guarantee that the distributed hardware returns accurate inference results.

Introducing Proof of Inference Protocol (PoIP)

6079 Proof of Inference Protocol (PoIP) provides a groundbreaking solution for securing decentralized AI inference. It uses a combination of cryptoeconomic security mechanisms, cryptographic proofs, and game-theoretic approaches to incentivize correct behavior and penalize malicious activity within the network.

Core Components of PoIP

Inference Engine Standard

The Inference Engine Standard sets the compute patterns and standards for executing AI inference tasks across decentralized networks. This standardization ensures consistent and reliable performance of AI models on distributed hardware.

Proof of Inference Protocol

The protocol operates across multiple layers:

  1. Service Layer: Executes model inference on physical hardware.
  2. Control Layer: Manages API endpoints, coordinates load balancing, and handles diagnostics.
  3. Transaction Layer: Uses a distributed hash table (DHT) to track transaction metadata.
  4. Probabilistic Proof Layer: Validates transactions through cryptographic and economic mechanisms.
  5. Economic Layer: Handles payment, staking, slashing, security, governance, and public funding.

Ensuring Integrity and Security

PoIP employs several mechanisms to ensure the integrity of AI inference computations:

  • Merkle Tree Validation: Ensures that input data reaches GPUs unaltered.
  • Distributed Hash Table (DHT): Synchronizes transaction data across nodes to detect discrepancies.
  • Diagnostic Tests: Evaluate hardware capabilities and ensure compliance with network standards.

Economic Incentives and Game Theory

The protocol uses economic incentives to encourage desirable behavior among nodes:

  • Staking: Nodes stake tokens to demonstrate commitment and increase their credibility.
  • Reputation Building: Successful tasks enhance a node's reputation, making it more attractive for future tasks.
  • Competitive Game Mechanisms: Nodes compete to provide the best service, ensuring continuous improvement and adherence to standards.


What is the Proof of Inference Protocol?

The Proof of Inference Protocol (PoIP) is a system designed to secure and verify AI inference computations across decentralized networks. It ensures that distributed hardware nodes return accurate and trustworthy results.

How does PoIP ensure the integrity of AI computations?

PoIP uses mechanisms like Merkle tree validation, distributed hash tables (DHT), and diagnostic tests to verify the integrity of AI computations. These tools help detect discrepancies and ensure the correctness of data processed across the network.

What role do economic incentives play in PoIP?

Economic incentives in PoIP encourage desirable behavior among nodes. Nodes stake tokens to demonstrate commitment, build reputation through successful tasks, and compete to provide the best service. This system ensures continuous improvement and adherence to network standards.

What are the main layers of the PoIP?

The PoIP operates across five main layers: Service Layer, Control Layer, Transaction Layer, Probabilistic Proof Layer, and Economic Layer. Each layer plays a crucial role in ensuring the security, integrity, and efficiency of AI inference on decentralized networks.


The 6079 Proof of Inference Protocol represents an interesting advancement in the field of decentralized AI. By ensuring the security and reliability of AI computations across distributed networks, PoIP indicates a new way for broader adoption and innovation in decentralized AI applications. As we move towards a more decentralized future, protocols like PoIP will be useful in maintaining trust and integrity in AI-powered systems.

· 2 minutes de lecture
Lark Birdy

In Web3, the ability to transfer assets seamlessly across different blockchain networks is crucial. At Cuckoo.Network, we get it. We understand the pressing need for efficiency, security, and simplicity in these transactions. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our latest innovation: Cuckoo Bridge

Why Choose the Cuckoo Network Bridge?

  • Interoperability: Effortlessly move assets between Arbitrum One and Cuckoo Chain.
  • Cost-Effective: Enjoy minimal gas fees without compromising on speed or security.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for simplicity, making asset transfers straightforward and hassle-free.

Key Features

  1. Cross-Chain Compatibility: Transfer your assets from Arbitrum One to Cuckoo Chain with ease. Our bridge supports CAI tokens, ensuring you can manage your portfolio across different chains without any fuss.

  2. Minimal Fees: With gas fees as low as < 0.00001 ETH, our bridge ensures cost-effective transfers, making it accessible for all users.

  3. Secure Transactions: Built with top-notch security standards, the Cuckoo Network Bridge ensures your assets are safe throughout the transfer process.

How It Works

  1. Connect Your Wallet: Start by connecting your wallet to the Cuckoo Network Bridge. Ensure you have the necessary CAI tokens and ETH for gas fees.

  2. Select Chains: Choose Arbitrum One as your source and Cuckoo Chain as your destination. Enter the amount you wish to transfer.

  3. Confirm Transfer: Review the summary, including gas fees and the amount to be received. Click "Move funds to Cuckoo Chain" to initiate the transfer.

Experience the Future of Asset Transfers

The Cuckoo Network Bridge is here to improve your cross-chain experience in the Aribitrum ecosystem. With seamless interoperability, minimal fees, and robust security, managing your assets has never been easier. Embrace the future with Cuckoo.Network and streamline your asset transfers today.

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