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5 posts tagged with "cuckoo chain"

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· 3 min read
Lark Birdy

The Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal is here. Engage, earn, and become part of the future of decentralized AI.

What is the Airdrop Portal?

The Airdrop Portal is designed to reward you for your engagement and support. Every interaction you make with the portal helps grow the Cuckoo Network, while you earn valuable $CAI tokens.

Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal

How to Earn Rewards with Airdrop

Earning rewards with the Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal is straightforward. Here’s how:

ActionRewards in $CAIDescription
Login1 ~ 10First-time sign up or sign in
Refer30% of referee's rewardsEarn a percentage of your referee's rewards
Add Email10Receive latest news and benefits
Daily Claim0 ~ 5 DailyStay updated on the mission of onchain AI
Follow X5Follow us on X to stay connected
Bind Discord5Join and link your Discord account
Bind Telegram5Join and link your Telegram account
Create 1st Image10Showcase your creativity with your first image
Stake $CAI20Strengthen the network by staking $CAI
1st-Time Mine with GPU300Dive into GPU mining for substantial rewards

Why Participate?

Participating in the Airdrop Portal is a chance to be at the forefront of decentralized AI. Your engagement supports the network’s mission and growth, while you benefit directly from the tokens you earn.

More specifically, if you refer friends into cuckoo network, you will get 30% of their airdrops from the portal.

More about $CAI

  1. Stake to establish trust in the onchain AI network
  2. Generate and share value in GPU mining
  3. Reward contributors (builders, partners, and users)
  4. Facilitate governance
  5. Payment for onchain AI DApps

Get Started

Visit Cuckoo Network Airdrop Portal to start earning your rewards today. Engage with the community, support the network, and reap the benefits of $CAI tokens. The future of decentralized AI starts with you.

Join us on this journey and your participation makes a difference! Use our account's referral link to sign up

· 3 min read
Lark Birdy

Starting from July 2024, Cuckoo Network is rolling out an exciting opportunity for GPU miners: a daily reward of 300 $CAI per GPU. If you've been exploring ways to leverage your GPU for cryptocurrency mining, now's your chance to dive into the Cuckoo ecosystem and maximize your earnings. Let's break down everything you need to know to get started and stay ahead in the mining game.

What is Cuckoo Network?

Cuckoo Network is a cutting-edge blockchain platform designed to facilitate efficient and decentralized AI computation. By harnessing the power of GPU mining, Cuckoo Network aims to distribute computational tasks across a global network of nodes, ensuring both scalability and security.

Why GPU Mining?

GPU mining leverages the parallel processing power of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to solve complex mathematical problems, which is integral to blockchain verification processes. Compared to traditional CPU mining, GPU mining offers higher efficiency and better returns, making it an attractive option for miners looking to optimize their setup. Specifically for Cuckoo Network, we mine for text-to-image and generative AI usage.

How to Get Started with Cuckoo Network Mining

Ready to start mining?

First things first, you'll need a compatible GPU. Cuckoo Network supports a range of GPUs, but for optimal performance and rewards, ensure your hardware meets the recommended specifications:

  • NVIDIA GTX NVIDIA 3080, L4, or above
  • Minimum 8GB VRAM
  • Reliable internet connection

Then, follow the documentation for miner software installation.

Monitoring and Maximizing Earnings

Mining isn’t just about setting it and forgetting it. To maximize your earnings, keep an eye on a few key factors:

  • Performance Metrics: Regularly check your GPU's performance to ensure it’s operating efficiently.
  • Network Updates: Stay informed about any changes to the Cuckoo Network’s reward structure or software updates.
  • Community Engagement: Join the Cuckoo Network community forums or Discord channels to exchange tips and stay updated on best practices.

Future Developments

The Cuckoo Network is still in active development, which means changes to the mining schedule and reward structure could occur. It’s essential to stay updated by regularly visiting the official documentation and participating in community discussions.


Q: What is $CAI?

A: $CAI is the native cryptocurrency of the Cuckoo Network, used for transactions and rewarding miners within the ecosystem.

Q: How much can I earn from GPU mining on Cuckoo Network?

A: Starting in July 2024, you can earn 300 $CAI per day per GPU. Actual earnings may vary based on network conditions and hardware performance.

Q: What are the system requirements for GPU mining on Cuckoo Network?

A: You’ll need a GPU with at least 8GB VRAM, such as an NVIDIA GTX NVIDIA 3080, L4, or above, and a stable internet connection.

Wrapping Up

The launch of GPU mining on the Cuckoo Network in July 2024 marks an exciting opportunity for miners to earn significant rewards while contributing to a decentralized AI computation network. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can get started quickly and efficiently. Happy mining!

· 3 min read
Lark Birdy

Cuckoo Chain is set to transform the AI blockchain landscape. As an Arbitrum L2 in the Ethereum ecosystem, it brings streamlined AI developer experience, fast speed and efficiency to the table. This makes it a prime choice for Web3 + AI users seeking robust and scalable solutions.

Why Choose Cuckoo Chain?

Lightning Speed

Cuckoo Chain operates at a blistering pace with a max theoretical throughput of 40,000 transactions per second (TPS). Block times are a mere 0.25 seconds, and the time-to-finality is under one minute. This performance opens new possibilities, enabling real-time applications that were previously unimaginable.

Optimized for On-Chain AI

Cuckoo Chain is tailored for AI integration. It supports the storage of large inference traces and input data, and facilitates running inference requests directly on-chain. This creates a seamless and efficient environment for deploying AI models, making Cuckoo Chain the go-to platform for AI-driven applications.

Cost Efficiency

One of the standout features of Cuckoo Chain is its cost-effectiveness. Storage and retrieval costs are significantly lower, at $0.001 compared to Ethereum L1's ~$1.44. This drastic reduction in costs makes it more accessible for developers and businesses looking to leverage blockchain technology without breaking the bank.

Build for the GenAI Era

Cuckoo Chain is designed to meet the needs of the Generation AI era. Its infrastructure supports autonomous, flexible, and adaptable smart contracts, enabling a wide range of applications and use cases.


With Cuckoo Chain, you can add machine learning (ML) capabilities to smart contracts, making them more autonomous. These contracts can make decisions based on real-time on-chain data, allowing for dynamic and responsive applications.


Cuckoo Chain's flexibility means it can support a broad array of scenarios, including those unforeseen at the time of contract creation. This adaptability ensures that your applications remain relevant and functional as the blockchain landscape evolves.

Embedded Machine Learning

Cuckoo Chain enables the embedding of ML models directly on-chain. It provides the necessary data storage and availability to support the computational needs of ML applications. This embedded approach streamlines the deployment and management of AI models, enhancing the overall efficiency and capability of your blockchain projects.

Join the Cuckoo DAO and Unlock Web3's Full Potential

Cuckoo Chain is more than just a blockchain; it's a community-driven ecosystem. By joining the Cuckoo DAO, you become part of a dynamic and innovative network that is shaping the future of Web3. Connect with us on Discord, Telegram, and GitHub to stay updated and contribute to the development of this groundbreaking platform.

Call for developers

Web3 and AI developers are welcomed to join our permissionless network

Cuckoo Chain Mainnet

Cuckoo Sepolia Testnet


Cuckoo Chain is redefining what’s possible with blockchain technology. Its unmatched speed, cost-efficiency, and AI optimization make it the ideal platform for developers looking to push the boundaries of Web3. As we continue to innovate and expand, we invite you to join us on this journey. Develop with Cuckoo Chain today and experience the future of AI blockchain.

· 2 min read
Lark Birdy

The Cuckoo Network is excited to announce our June 2024 airdrop. A total of 30,000 $CAI tokens will be distributed among users who actively engage with our Alpha and Sepolia Testnets. This is your opportunity to be rewarded for your support and participation.

Update of July 3rd: Rewards of Airdrop June 2024 have been distributed through 0x17...E2 and 0xE9...b4. Thank you for your support! Follow us on to check future airdrops!

How to Participate

  1. Get Development Tokens: Visit our faucet to receive your development tokens.
  2. Stake Your Tokens: Head over to our staking portal to stake your tokens on the Cuckoo Alpha Testnet or Cuckoo Sepolia Testnet.
  3. Engage and Earn: Interact with the testnets and ensure your address is registered. The more you engage, the better your chances of earning a larger share of the 30,000 $CAI tokens.

Why Participate?

Exclusive Rewards: This airdrop is designed to reward our early adopters. By participating, you not only get free tokens but also contribute to the growth and stability of the Cuckoo Network.

Support Innovation: Your interaction helps us fine-tune the network, ensuring a robust and efficient mainnet launch.

Community Building: Joining the airdrop connects you with a vibrant community of Web3 + AI enthusiasts. Share insights, collaborate on projects, and be part of the future of decentralized networks.

Key Dates

  • Airdrop Start Date: June 20, 2024
  • Airdrop End Date: June 30, 2024
  • Token Distribution: By July 15, 2024


What is $CAI? $CAI is the native token of the Cuckoo Network, used for transactions, staking, and governance.

How do I qualify for the airdrop? Interact with our Alpha or Sepolia Testnets. e.g. Stake your development tokens on the Cuckoo Alpha Testnet or Sepolia Testnet and engage actively.

Is there a minimum staking requirement? There is no minimum requirement. However, more engagement may lead to higher rewards.

When will the tokens be distributed? The tokens will be distributed by July 15, 2024, to all qualifying participants.


Don't miss this chance to be part of the Cuckoo Network’s journey. Participate in our June 2024 airdrop and secure your share of 30,000 $CAI tokens. Engage, stake, and earn while contributing to the development of a decentralized future.

Join Now: Cuckoo Network Airdrop

· 2 min read
Dora Noda

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Cuckoo Sepolia V2, an upgraded testnet built on Arbitrum. This significant transition is a direct response to the valuable feedback from our community, aiming to enhance the utility and scalability of our platform.

Highlights from Cuckoo Sepolia V1

Since the launch of Cuckoo Sepolia V1 on April 20, 2024, we have seen remarkable growth and engagement:

  • 2 million transactions
  • 43.2k daily transactions
  • 2,362 active addresses

These milestones reflect the robust activity and growing interest in our platform, setting a strong foundation for the next phase.


Why Arbitrum?

Our decision to move to Arbitrum stems from its advanced capabilities and readiness for mainnet deployment. Arbitrum offers comprehensive support for custom gas tokens, a crucial feature for our vision of a universal AI rollup empowering diverse AI DApps. This shift ensures a more seamless and efficient experience for developers and users alike.

What to Expect

With Cuckoo Sepolia V2 on Arbitrum, users can look forward to:

  • Improved Transaction Efficiency: Faster and more reliable transactions.
  • Custom Gas Token: Reduced gas fees and enhanced user experience.
  • Scalability: Better support for a growing number of AI DApps.

Cuckoo Network Testnet Faucet

Get CAI/WCAI tokens and start to develop on Cuckoo Chain today at

Join Us in Shaping the Future

We invite all token holders, web3 enthusiasts, and developers to explore the new possibilities with Cuckoo Sepolia V2. Your feedback and participation are essential as we continue to innovate and improve our platform.

Stay tuned for more updates and join us in this exciting new chapter. Together, we are building the future of decentralized AI applications.

Visit our website for more details and follow us on X / Twitter for the latest news and updates.

Cuckoo Network – Empowering the Future of AI with Blockchain.