
2 篇博文 含有标签「product」


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Lark Birdy

We're thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership between Cuckoo Network and Swan Chain, two pioneering forces in the world of decentralized AI and blockchain technology. This collaboration marks a significant step forward in our mission to democratize access to advanced AI capabilities and create a more efficient, accessible, and innovative AI ecosystem.

Cuckoo Network and Swan Chain Join Forces to Revolutionize Decentralized AI

Empowering Decentralized AI with Expanded GPU Resources

At the heart of this partnership is the integration of Swan Chain's extensive GPU resources into the Cuckoo Network platform. By leveraging Swan Chain's global network of data centers and computing providers, Cuckoo Network will significantly expand its capacity to serve decentralized Large Language Models (LLMs).

This integration aligns perfectly with both companies' visions:

  • Cuckoo Network's goal of creating a decentralized AI model serving the marketplace
  • Swan Chain's mission is to accelerate AI adoption through comprehensive blockchain infrastructure


Bringing Beloved Anime Characters to Life with AI

To showcase the power of this partnership, we're excited to announce the initial release of several character-based LLMs inspired by beloved anime protagonists. These models, created by the talented Cuckoo creator community, will run on Swan Chain's GPU resources.


Fans and developers alike will be able to interact with and build upon these character models, opening up new possibilities for creative storytelling, game development, and interactive experiences.

Mutual Benefits and Shared Vision

This partnership brings together the strengths of both platforms:

  • Cuckoo Network provides the decentralized marketplace and AI expertise to distribute and manage AI tasks efficiently.
  • Swan Chain contributes its robust GPU infrastructure, innovative ZK market, and commitment to fair compensation for computing providers.

Together, we're working towards a future where AI capabilities are more accessible, efficient, and equitable for developers and users worldwide.

What This Means for Our Communities

For the Cuckoo Network community:

  • Access to a broader pool of GPU resources, enabling faster processing and more complex AI models
  • Expanded opportunities to create and monetize unique AI models
  • Potential for reduced costs thanks to Swan Chain's efficient infrastructure

For the Swan Chain community:

  • New avenues to monetize GPU resources through Cuckoo Network's marketplace
  • Exposure to cutting-edge AI applications and a vibrant creator community
  • Potential for increased demand and utilization of Swan Chain's infrastructure

Looking Ahead

This partnership is just the beginning. As we move forward, we'll be exploring additional ways to integrate our technologies and create value for both ecosystems. We're particularly excited about the potential to leverage Swan Chain's ZK market and Universal Basic Income model to create even more opportunities for GPU providers and AI developers.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey together. The future of decentralized AI is bright, and with partners like Swan Chain, we're one step closer to making that future a reality.

We invite both communities to join us in celebrating this partnership. Together, we're not just building technology – we're shaping the future of AI and empowering creators around the world.

Cuckoo Network

More about Swan Chain

· 阅读需 7 分钟
Lark Birdy

在 Cuckoo Network,我们很高兴地介绍 Cuckoo Chat,这是 AI、Web3 和动漫迷的创新融合。想象一下与火影忍者谈论忍者技巧,或询问夜神月关于正义的看法。现在,这一切都可以实现——直接通过 Cuckoo Network 门户。

进入动漫世界,与 Cuckoo Chat 一起:由 AI 和 Web3 驱动

通过 Cuckoo Chat,我们利用先进的对话 AI 让 17 位最受欢迎的动漫角色栩栩如生,基于 Llama 构建,并由我们去中心化的 Web3 基础设施提供支持。无论你是休闲观众还是死忠动漫迷,Cuckoo Chat 都提供了一种沉浸式的独特体验,让你与最喜欢的角色进行实时对话。

Cuckoo Chat 的不同之处

Cuckoo Chat 不仅仅是另一个聊天机器人。它是我们在 Cuckoo Network 更广泛愿景的一部分,旨在去中心化 AI,确保你的互动由安全、可扩展的 Web3 基础设施提供支持。每个角色的响应都通过我们的去中心化 AI 节点处理,这意味着更快、更私密和可靠的互动。此外,你甚至可以通过使用 Cuckoo Chat 赚取奖励,这要归功于我们独特的激励 GPU 网络!


我们的首次发布包含 17 位标志性角色,来自动漫和流行文化,由我们的创作者社区创建,精心制作以反映他们真实的个性、背景故事和特征。准备好与以下角色聊天:

Cuckoo Chat

  • 鸣人:来自木叶村的坚定忍者
  • 孙悟空:地球上不可阻挡的赛亚人保护者
  • 利威尔·阿克曼:来自《进击的巨人》的最强人类士兵
  • 夜神月:死神笔记的持有者,准备讨论正义
  • 埼玉:以一拳打败每场战斗的无敌英雄
  • 哆啦A梦:拥有无尽小工具的未来机器人猫

还有更多,包括 蒙奇·D·路飞纲手海绵宝宝(没错,海绵宝宝也在这里!)。每次对话都提供了一种沉浸式的、以角色为驱动的体验,你在其他地方找不到。


  1. 访问:前往 cuckoo.network/portal/chat
  2. 选择:从列表中选择你最喜欢的动漫角色。
  3. 聊天:开始你的对话!每次聊天都感觉就像你在与所选角色直接对话。

每次聊天会话,你都在与去中心化的 AI 互动,这意味着你的对话通过 Cuckoo Network 的 去中心化 GPU 矿工 安全处理。每次互动都是私密的、快速的,并且完全分布在网络上。

我们为什么构建 Cuckoo Chat:为动漫迷,由 Web3 创新者打造

Cuckoo Network,我们热衷于推动 AI 和 Web3 的边界。通过 Cuckoo Chat,我们创造的不仅仅是一个有趣的体验——我们构建了一个与我们去中心化 AI 的使命相一致的平台,让用户对他们的数据和互动拥有更多控制权。随着 Web3 世界的发展,Cuckoo Chat 成为粉丝文化与尖端技术之间的创新桥梁。

我们不会止步于此。Cuckoo Chat 将继续随着更多角色、更深的互动模型和基于用户反馈和参与的新功能而发展。请继续关注更多更新,成为去中心化 AI 未来的一部分!


我们正在不断扩展 Cuckoo Chat 的宇宙!不久后,我们将推出与每次对话相关的 基于 NFT 的收藏品,用户可以铸造与动漫角色聊天的独特时刻。此外,我们正在努力推出 多语言支持,以增强全球粉丝的对话体验。


你的声音很重要。在使用 Cuckoo Chat 后,请在 Discord𝕏/Twitter 上与我们分享你的体验。你的反馈直接影响此功能的未来。想要与你喜欢的角色聊天?让我们知道——我们总是希望根据你的建议扩展 Cuckoo Chat 的角色阵容。

立即与你最喜欢的动漫角色在 Cuckoo Chat 上聊天。这不仅仅是对话——这是一次去中心化的冒险,深入动漫迷的心中!

你将爱上 Cuckoo Chat 的原因:

  • 与真实的 AI 驱动动漫角色进行沉浸式对话
  • Web3 驱动的隐私和去中心化基础设施
  • 与你最喜欢的聊天相关的奖励和未来的 NFTs

Cuckoo Chat 一起踏上这段激动人心的新旅程——在这里,动漫迷与 Web3 的未来相遇。