- Product
- Cuckoo Mobile App: Expand user adoption and accessibility
- Agent Launchpad: Capitalize on AI agent momentum and make Cuckoo the go-to platform for decentralized agent deployment
- NFT Expansion: Reinforce Cuckoo’s creative side while adding tangible utility
- Place
- Listing on Major Trackers and Exchanges: improve token visibility & liquidity
- Market making to stabilize token price
- Bridge to Other Chains: Expand cross-chain operability and user base
- Price
- Target Price: $0.04
- Revisit Staking & Supply & Demand Mechanics
- Promotion
- Homepage rebranding
- Listing on more Quest platforms
- AI Agent Showcases: Position Cuckoo as the leading chain for AI agent innovation
- LLM and characters
- Work with 2B customers to implement a specific AI-driven solution for professional services
Q3/2024 Current Focus
- Mainnet Basics 2024-Q3
- Initial Launch (2024-06)
- Cuckoo Chain: The Premier Blockchain for AI
- Smart contract tutorials
- How Cuckoo AI Grows After the Cuckoo Chain Launch
- DeAI users
- Cuckoo Art (2024-07-A)
- The Future of AI Anime: Cuckoo Art Business Plan
- Fraud control
- Mobile App
- Node operator program (2024-07-B)
- Cuckoo network mining with GPU
- webp compression
- Holder's Airdrop Portal and Referral Program (2024-08-A)
- Airdrop Portal
- Telegram integration
- Initial Launch (2024-06)
- DAO Gov
- Cuckoo Chain Developer
- Cuckoo Pay
- Testnet (2024-05)
- Introduce bridges
- Cuckoo Portal and smart contracts
- Genesis (2024-04)
- Cuckoo Network official website
- Cuckoo Chain Testnet Alpha for metering computing unit credits
- Whitepaper and initial documentation
Cuckoo Pay initial demo - Cuckoo AI initial demo